community driven technology solutions

Technology barriers hinder financial independence and quality of life for low-income individuals, people of color, adults with disabilities, and other frontline communities. Suma’s community-driven tech solution removes these barriers, making essential goods and services more affordable.


Lime Scooter Rides

On the suma app: Get free 30 minute Lime-scooter rides. 

our story

“Suma” means “sum, total, addition, or combination” in Spanish. The suma app aggregates opportunities for frontline communities to access discounts and subsidies, making the whole greater than the sum of its parts.

We envision an inclusive technology landscape for frontline communities that are often exploited or overlooked by the tech sector.

what we do

Digital Organizing

We develop and share tailored curricula to build digital capacity with frontline communities.

Digital Justice

Collaborating with partners and governments, we advocate for digital policies that involve community members and bridge the digital divide.

Digital Enterprise

We launched the suma platform, a community-built payment app that helps low-income households save money on essential expenses like food, transportation, and utilities.

suma for community members, partners, and funders

For Community Members

Experience the power of the suma app in stretching your budget and saving you money on essential expenses such as food, transportation, and utilities.

We built the app for people like you – the ones hustling to make ends meet, looking for discounts and savings on the things you buy the most.

for suma and start saving!

For Partners

As a vendor, affordable housing provider, or frontline partner, the suma platform enables you to strengthen community connections, reach new customers, and meet vital community needs. Sign up for updates within the suma community or contact us to discover how suma can help you amplify your reach and impact.

For Funders

Your support for the suma platform helps frontline communities confidently engage the world of technology and work together to address community priorities like poverty, climate change, and racial injustice.

Download our one-pager for more information. Interested in supporting our mission? Sign up for a call to learn more.

crafting the suma privacy policy: our approach

suma’s outreach team worked with community members, partners, and legal counsel to create a community-based privacy policy for the suma app.

Community members shared privacy concerns, reviewed best practices, and provided detailed policy recommendations in small group discussions facilitated by the suma team.

We then used the community’s recommendations to guide the suma app’s inaugural privacy policy.

explore past events

Pioneering A Transformative Mobility Journey

In 2021, we partnered with Hacienda CDC and Verde to work on improving access to affordable and private transportation. Together, we tested a transportation platform prototype (suma 1.0) in Hacienda CDC’s resident community.

Affordable Clean
Energy for All

Still in 2021, we collaborated with Proud Ground to further our work of helping people save on utility bills and connect to clean energy. Through this partnership, we tested a solar energy platform prototype (prototype 1.1) with Proud Ground’s homeowners.

Your Voice, Our Policy

In 2022, we engaged with community members and our partners, drawing on their feedback, concerns, and recommendations to create the suma app’s inaugural privacy policy.

Launching the App with Holiday Savings

At the end of 2022, we launched the app and brought savings to the always-expensive holiday season. We brought the special back in 2023 and 2024 after positive feedback from the successful first run.

Doubling Your Dollar at the Farmers Market

In 2023 and 2024 we ran our Summer Special, where users are able to double their money at local farmers markets through the suma app. This past year we added Lents International Farmers Market to our special, alongside St. Johns Farmers Market and Kings Farmers Market. Suma users can buy up to 15, $2 vouchers for $1 every weekend.


We're building the suma platform to connect you with new customers at reduced customer acquisition costs and to increase participation in your community discount programs. Stay tuned to this site for more information, and join our mailing list to get platform updates.